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To Access the Profile log in to your account on Haletale. Navigate to the profile section in your dashboard where you can update your personal information.

A) Personal Details: Fill in the Information
    • Enter your First and Last Name in the provided field.
    • Provide your Email Address.
    • Enter your Contact Number.
    • Select your Nationality from the dropdown menu.
    • Specify the Languages Spoken.
    • Enter your Date of Birth in the format (mm/dd/yyyy).
    • Choose your Gender from the options provided: Male, Female, Prefer not to say.

Update Immigration Status: Select your visa status in Canada from the options provided. And then confirm whether you are currently residing in Canada.

Expected Date of Arrival in Canada: Enter the expected date of your arrival in Canada in the format (mm/dd/yyyy).
Save Your Changes: After filling in or updating all the required information, click on the “Save” button and move to the next part which is Financial Information
B) Financial Information
  • Financial Support for Rent Payments: Provide information on how you plan to financially support rent payments. This could include details about your employment, savings, investments, or any other sources of income.
  • Profession: Specify your profession or occupation.
  • Guarantor: Indicate whether you have a guarantor who is willing to guarantee your rent payments. Select “Yes” or “No” accordingly.
  • Tenant Insurance: Specify whether you have valid tenant insurance. Select “Yes” or “No” based on your current insurance status.
Save Your Changes: After providing or updating all the necessary financial information, click on the “Save” button to save your changes
C) Rental History: Rental history refers to a record of a renter’s past rental experiences, including details such as previous addresses, duration of tenancy, landlord or property manager contacts, and any relevant comments.
Save Your Changes: After providing or updating all the necessary rental history information, click on the “Save” button to save your changes and go on to the next step “Emergency and Contact”
D) Emergency and Contact
Access the Emergency and Contact Section: fill in the following
Update Local Emergency Contact: Enter the name, email, phone number, and relationship of your local emergency contact.
Update Personal Reference: Enter the name, email, phone number, and relationship of your personal reference.
Save Your Changes: After entering all the necessary information, save your updates by clicking on the “Save” button or a similar option.
E) Vehicle Information
Enter Vehicle Details:
  1. Maker (Make): Enter the maker or make of the vehicle (e.g., Toyota, Honda, Ford).
  2. Registration Number: Enter the registration number of the vehicle as it appears on the license plate.
  3. Model: Enter the model of the vehicle (e.g., Camry, Civic, Focus).
  4. Color: Specify the color of the vehicle.
F) Social Links: To add your social media links, follow these steps:
  1. Add Social Links: Click on the “Edit” button to start adding your social media links.
  2. Enter Social Media Profiles: Enter your profile URLs for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn in the respective fields.
Save Your Changes: After entering the URLs for your social media profiles, save your changes by clicking on the “Save” button. And next is
G) Attachments: To edit attachments and provide the required documents, follow these steps:
  1. Edit Attachments:
    • Click on the “Edit” button to begin adding or updating your attachments.
  2. Upload Required Documents:
      • Government-Issued Photo ID: Upload a scanned copy of your passport or Canadian driver’s license, or any Canadian government-issued ID like a photo card.
      • Proof of Financial Stability: Upload 2 months’ bank statements or a GIC statement.
      • Proof of Employment: Upload a recent pay stub or employment letter issued within the last 60 days.
      • Proof of Enrollment: Upload an offer letter or enrollment letter from your university/college.
      • Resume: Upload your resume.
      • Guest Insurance: Provide proof of guest insurance to protect your belongings during your stay.
      • Guarantor ID: If applicable, upload the guarantor’s ID.
      • Credit Report: Upload a digital copy or screenshot of your credit report from Credit Karma, banks, TransUnion, or other major credit bureaus.
  3. Save Your Changes:
    • After uploading the required documents, save your changes by clicking on the “Save” button.
Following these steps ensures that your renter’s profile on Haletale is complete and up-to-date.

Sign a Document Template

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Add Rental History

To add your rental history to Haletale you can follow these steps: From the main dashboard (as seen in the first screenshot), click on the

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To navigate to your documents follow these steps: Click on the ‘Dashboard’ tab at the top of the page, near the center. This will direct

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Schedule Visit

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The WishList feature on Haletale allows you to save and organize properties you are interested in renting. Here are the steps to use the wishlist

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Tasks Overview

To view your assigned tasks follow these steps: Click on the ‘Dashboard’ tab at the top of the page. This will take you to your

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