How can I update move-out details for a property?

To update move-out information, start by accessing the Dashboard and clicking on the left sidebar. Within the sidebar, select “Guest Applications.” Then, choose the specific renter for whom you want to update the move-out details by clicking on “View Action” next to their name. This action will take you to the renter’s application details. Once there, click on “View Application” to proceed. On the right sidebar of the application details page, locate and click on “Update moveout.” Here, you can choose the move-out date and status from options such as “Moving Out Soon,” “Moved Out Already,” or “Extended Stay.” Update the information accordingly and save your changes. or a comprehensive walkthrough, refer to our detailed guide on “Update move out details” for step-by-step instructions

Calculate your property’s maximum earning potential

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haletale Home
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Select no. of bathrooms
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6


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your expected monthly rent


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