Archives: FAQ

How do I invite an individual guest to my contacts?

To invite a guest within your system, start by going to the “Contacts” section...

How do I view a profile in my contacts?

To view the profile of an existing contact in your system, begin by navigating...

How can I delete a contact?

To delete a contact from your system, begin by navigating to the “Contacts” section...

What steps should I follow to edit a contact?

To edit the details of an existing contact in your system, start by accessing...

How do I add a contact?

To seamlessly add a contact to your network, whether they’re homeowners, contractors, or property...

How can I view approved documents?

To view documents that have been marked as approved, you would start by accessing...

How do I access documents in draft?

To access documents that are in draft status, you would go to the “Documents”...

How can I view all the pending documents?

To view all the pending documents, you should access the “Documents” section in your...

How can I view documents that have been rejected?

To view a document that have been rejected, begin by click on documents in...

How do I view documents?

To view documents, first access the “Documents” section within your Dashboard’s sidebar. To locate...

How can I download documents?

To download documents, first access the “Documents” section within your Dashboard’ sidebar. To locate...

How do I check for canceled appointments?

To check for canceled appointments on Haletale’s platform, start by accessing the “Appointments” section...

Where can I find past appointments?

To access past appointments on Haletale’s platform, navigate to the “Appointments” section within the...

How can I see upcoming appointments?

To view upcoming appointments on Haletale’s platform, access the “Appointments” section within the sidebar...

How do I view appointments on Haletale’s platform?

To view appointments on Haletale’s platform, navigate to the sidebar and click on “Appointments”....

How do I add documents?

To add and view documents, access the “Documents” section within the Dashboard. Here, you...

How do I update or edit a maintenance request?

To edit a maintenance request with a contractor, go to “Maintenance Requests” in the...

How do I add a new maintenance request?

To add a new maintenance request, navigate to the “Maintenance Requests” section in the...

How to share a maintenance request with a contractor?

To share a maintenance request with a contractor, go to “Maintenance Requests” in the...

How do I upload files to submit with a maintenance request?

To upload files along with a maintenance request, start by accessing the dashboard’s left...

Can I apply multiple filters at once to narrow down the task list to specific criteria?

Yes, you can apply multiple filters simultaneously to narrow down the task list to...

Can I view all tasks assigned to a particular task owner?

Yes, you can view all tasks assigned to a particular task owner by filtering...

How do I filter tasks by their current status?

To filter tasks, begin by accessing your account dashboard’s sidebar and locating the Tasks...

How do I delete a task?

To delete a task, start by accessing your account dashboard’s sidebar and locating the...

How do mark a task as complete?

To mark a task as complete, begin by accessing your account dashboard’s sidebar and...

How can I add a viewer to a task?

To add a viewer to a task, start by accessing your account dashboard’s sidebar...

How do I view task?

To view a task, begin by accessing your account dashboard’s sidebar and locating the...

How can I edit a task?

To edit a task, begin by accessing your account dashboard’s sidebar and locating the...

How do I add a task?

To create a new task, access your account dashboard’s sidebar and locate the Tasks...

How to mark a payment as complete?

To mark a payment as completed in Haletale, please refer to our detailed guide...

How can I change the status of Invoice and Receipts?

To change the status of invoices and receipts in Haletale, please refer to our...

How do I upload a bank statement?

To upload a bank statement in Haletale, please refer to our detailed guide on...

What’s the process for splitting an expense?

To split an expense in Haletale, please refer to our detailed guide on splitting...

How do I add a attachment to income

To add an attachment to income, navigate to the relevant income entry. Within the...

How do I add income?

To add an expense in Haletale, please refer to our detailed guide on adding...

How can I view invoices and receipts?

To view invoices and receipts, start by accessing the Accounting section. Within the Accounting...

How can I delete a transaction?

To delete a transaction, begin by accessing the Accounting section. Under Transactions, you’ll find...

How can I edit a transaction?

To edit a transaction, first, go to the sidebar of your account dashboard. From...

How do I access transactions?

To access transactions in Haletale, you would typically go to the Dashboard. From there,...

How to add an expense?

To add an expense in Haletale, please refer to our detailed guide on adding...

How to create a recurring invoice (while creating a new one)?

To make a recurring invoice in Haletale, first, go to the Dashboard and click...

How to see invoices against a particular renter alone

To split a utility bill under multiple tenants in Haletale, start by clicking the...

How to see invoices against a particular renter alone

To view invoices for a specific renter only, navigate to the accounting and then...

Can I export the comparison report into a PDF?

Yes, Haletale allows the exportation of comparison reports into a PDF format. You should...

Can I compare the current year’s earnings with those of the previous year using this feature?

To compare the current year’s earnings with the previous year, you need to access...

Where can I access real estate data, including MLS data for property listings?

To access real estate data, including MLS data for property listings, navigate to the...

How can I customize the navigation bar?

To customize the navigation bar, go to the Settings section of your account and...

Where can I customize invoice controls?

To customize invoice controls, navigate to the Settings section of your account and select...

How do I handle the application information process?

To handle the application information process, access the Application Information section in your account...

Where can I manage my passwords using the password manager?

To manage your passwords using the password manager, go to the Password Manager section...

Calculate your property’s maximum earning potential

haletale Home
haletale Home
Select no. of bedrooms
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6


Select no. of bathrooms
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6


home calculator new

your expected monthly rent


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